Wednesday, February 10, 2010

not a good way to start the year...

I sent my car to workshop for a major overhaul… you know, the standard… timing belt, clutch pad…

It was supposed to be a one time thing… timing belt was changed last week, but because they don’t have clutch pad in stock, I need to send in the car again for the clutch pad…

I was promised the job will be finished in 2 days…

It’s been three days now…

my car servicing was postponed to make room for Alza servicing… apparently, many Alza was sent in for servicing due to mechanical problem and all PSCs are prioritizing them due to, well, mostly because it’s new, and because it’s a family car that most people need for the long holiday coming… most people only use kelisa as second car…

But not me… the car is my only means of transportation… you try live in SK and work in Cyber… there is no other way to get to work other than the cab… or hitching a ride…

Today, I got a call from the P2SC again… they think the engine mounting need to be changed… additional cost of RM900… ouch!!! that'll really hurt the pocket… it get worst… the car will only be ready by Friday (on my insistence)…

Not only I lost the use of the car for a week, I also spent RM2000 on the first 2 month of 2010 on the car alone…

I wish I had my bike…

update: the car will not be ready by Friday... i'll be spending CNY not in my hometown...

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