Friday, October 23, 2009

post-raya story...

how's your raya? my raya was pretty bleak...

amazingly, the 'soalan cepumas' stopped. but another remarks appeared...

'dah berisi sekarang ni...'

i don't know which was worse....
should i be thankful to them for not asking the dreadful question or should i strangle them for saying what all women don't want to hear?.... i really should strangle them on behalf of all women...

anyhow, nothing much to say... managed to stay true to my 'boikot raya' spirit and goes to ONE raya invitation, or rather i invited myself to her house. TQ az 4 your mee bandung and no regards to your husband, ok... aku sedar diri aku sapa...

the after-raya holiday is also a very busy month, with me trying to get hold of the 'surat jemputan' over and over, and after getting it, busying myself with the preparation of attending the 'jemputan'...

i'm still not ready... but i'm trying my best....

my most photographed cousin (because she's the baby of the family) with my sister, the same sister who was supposed to record the fireworks display but forgot to push the 'RECORD' button on the camera.. shishh...

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